105, Panchammall, Nikol-382350 Ahmedabad, Gujarat- INDIA

Codnix Studio – The Future of Photos

Time is changing and so are we. Gone are the days when we used to take photos that are actually printed and hung on a real wall or captured and shared via social media. It is a seemingly lost art and Codnix Studio takes your photographs to the whole next level through augmented reality.

Videos are quickly becoming the way we capture our life’s moments. But let’s be honest, mostly our videos are posted online or buried only to be forgotten about the next day. This is something which needs to be changed.  What the Codnix Studio does, is that it gives you the power to share a video just like a printed photo in the real world and with tangibility.

Simply, install the Codnix Studio app on your smartphone and you can scan the photo to bring them to life with sound and video. All that end users need to do is hold up the application, scan the photo and it will come to life.

This application can even bring a revolution in the commercial sectors. For instance, let’s relate hoarding with a gigantic photo. When companies use hoardings to advertise their product, they only have a moment to deliver all the vital information related to the product. Moreover, the viewers won’t have time to have a look at their website.

This can make the company lose their potential customers. Instead, if the customers only have to point their phone at the hoarding and the whole commercial video show-up. It will catch their interest and convert them into the potential lead! Sounds interesting, right?

So, what are you waiting for? Click here tp Download the app today! OR Contact Us to get more out of your business.


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